The Art of Communication

Here we are on the eve of another exciting school year at Wilfrid Jury and I can’t help but wonder what the upcoming year will include for our students, our community and our staff. Last year we celebrated our 20th anniversary, we designed and build our Reading Garden, we beautified our front gardens, we hosted a Peace Tree workshop, we hosted the SWIS-London Official Launch, we piloted a number of technology projects, we installed more SMARTBoards and expanded our use of other technologies, we offered a variety of extra-curricular activities for our students and we continued to dominate at the Kiwanis Music Festival ~ just to mention a few noteworthy accomplishments.

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This year, we are thrilled to be welcoming 10 new staff members to our teaching/learning team and excited about their contributions to our school culture. We look forward to meeting and embracing all of the new families who have moved into our school community and our newest wolves, our JK students who will be coming to school for the first time, this September.


One of our goals for the upcoming school year is to expand our forms of communication to ensure that we are sharing information with families in a timely and effective manner. We currently develop a monthly newsletter, which is available online and most teachers send home a classroom newsletter. We are working with staff to encourage them to develop and maintain class websites and monthly I share thoughts and ideas in My Principal’s Blog.


As a board, we are exploring the possibility of using Twitter and Facebook to share information. We will continue to keep you informed as these new forms of communication are being explored and piloted.  Please feel free to share your views about how we can better inform our school community.

We are looking forward to making this year our best year ever!

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