Where Have the Voices Gone?

“ Blogging definitely gives those who take the opportunity to do so a voice.  We’ve seen those voices tail off over the past while.  I find that so sad since there were always innovative voices that pushed things. Sadly, we don’t have those voices anymore.Doug Peterson


Thanks to Doug Peterson who took the time to craft a comment for one of my recent posts. He makes a valid point in terms of the decrease in the number of voices (at least in the world of education) who are populating social media. I recall when I started blogging almost 13 years ago as an alternate way to communicate with the Wilfrid Jury school community. We were finding that monthly newsletters were one-way communication and by the time we listed upcoming events and special lunches, it became too cumbersome.

We felt that a blog would provide us with a platform to delve deeper into some important topics and create space for two-way conversation. Over the years, within my various portfolios (both school and system principal) I have seen waves of interest in blogging. I recall about 10 years ago being invited to provide our Director and Senior Team with a workshop on blogging with the intent that once a month, each member of the team would craft an entry. Voices from the Valley had a strong start, but then faded. Within my portfolio, our Literacy Team also started a blog, with many outstanding entries. That team of educators was and continues to this day to be prolific writers with incredible talent and yet these days few of them make their thoughts/ideas/wonderings public via posts.

As educators, we know the power of modeled writing, we know the power of an authentic audience and we know the power of productive struggle (which hits me every time I stare at a new blank document). Those three conditions for inspiring students to write can be met with blogging.

As the waves of interest in blogging recede, are they being replaced with our 142 characters of comments on Twitter or the selection of the non-descript “like” button? Or are individuals fearful of reprisal from organizations if they dare to speak their mind. I have heard that individuals have been asked to delete Twitter posts, if they are deemed controversial. Is that trepidation also silencing more length keyboard creations?

Here is hoping that more educators take the plunge, hit the publish button and share their innovative ideas, their wonderings and even their disappointments.

Would love to hear your stories.

Come write with me…..