Welcome to the November edition of the Principal’s Blog. This month, we are joining the other schools in Thames Valley as learn about anti-bullying initiatives and explore bullying awareness strategies. On Monday November 14, every student and staff member attended a special assembly where we all took the Pledge and declared our intention to stand up to end bullying when ever and where ever we see it occurring. As a follow up to the assembly each student was asked to reflect, in writing, what being an Upstander means to them. The writing task was aligned with their current literacy learning goal and accompanying success criteria. As a school, we continue to improve our students ability to effectively communicate their thinking as they organize their ideas and information in both literacy and numeracy.
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to read “Have you Filled a Bucket Today?” to each primary class. We talked about how to be a bucket filler and how to avoid being a bucket dipper. Those students continue to make connections about how their actions affect others. Our Early Years classes are now reading the book and creating activities connected to being “bucket fillers”. Our students are learning how to be an Upstander by being a good friend and by making others feel good about themselves.
Parents, you play an important role as we continue to create an environment where everyone feels valued and accepted. If your child is experiencing challenges with other students, or they witness an example of bullying, please encourage them to share their concern with a staff member as soon as the event occurs.
Together we will create a school environment were everyone feels safe, every day!